Rules and Regulations

1.     Registrants must arrive on time and stay until they have received permission from their teacher to leave.

2.     Respect each other at all times, including volunteers (no swearing/ bullying)  No talking, fighting.

3.     Follow directions of volunteers and teachers at all times.

4.     No running/yelling inside the Gurdwara /classrooms.

5.     Report any situation that you consider dangerous to any organizer/volunteer.

6.     All registrants, guests and organizers are required to wear head coverings at all times.

7.     If registrant is taking any medications, please ensure they have administered the required dose before coming to Khalsa School. If they need medication administered a few times a day, please indicate on form and authorize organizers to help fulfil medication requirements.

8.     Registrants must be regular with class attendance.

9.     No gum/candy during school hours.

10.   Cell phones/gaming devices/ are not allowed during   

      school hours.

11.   The following supplies are required every class:

·        A bag

·        A binder

·        Pen and pencils


12.   If registrant will be absent, the administration office must be informe

13.   Registrant that has damaged school property (including instruments) will

      be held liable for appropriate repair charges.

14.   Failure to comply with above rules and regulations will result in

      appropriate disciplinary action.